"Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
What do you believe about discipling the next generation?

What do you offer?
Journey Students
Mondays, 6:00-7:30pm
- 1st Monday | Sr. High students (9th-12th grade)
- 2nd Monday | Jr. & Sr. High students (6th-12th grade)
- 3rd Monday | Sr. High students (9th-12th grade)
- 4th Monday | Jr. & Sr. High students (6th-12th grade)
We believe God has called us to be disciples who make disciples, and at Journey Students, we seek to do exactly that. During our Monday gatherings, we eat together, play games together, and study Scripture together. And, whether your student is passionate about following Jesus or skeptical to his claims, our hope is that these gatherings help students discover through God’s Word how the good news of the gospel changes all of life.
Parent Roundtable
We know there are some unique challenges that come with being a parent today and that parents are facing these challenges earlier and earlier in raising their students. At each of our regular Parent Roundtables, parents & other caregivers like you discuss a particular topic related to encouraging your student’s faith, and you can expect each conversation to be hope-filled, practical, and centered on the good news of the gospel.
What are your favorite recommended resources for parents?
Check out the links below for some of the resources we recommend for growing in the gospel as a family. In addition to the books below, we also recommend two websites (linked below)--The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU) and Axis Parenting Resources--which provide several practical trainings and resources aimed at helping you to nurture your child in a lifetime of biblically-faithful, whole-life Christian discipleship.
The Gospel
In this timely book, Pastor Ray Ortlund makes the case that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. In too many of our churches, it is the beauty of a gospel culture that is the missing piece of the puzzle. But when the gospel is allowed to exert its full power, a church becomes radiant with the glory of Christ.
Shepherding a Child's Heart
Shepherding a Child’s Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child (Luke 6:45). Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life.
In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents. Outlining fourteen foundational principles centered on the gospel, he shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God―grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents.
What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care?
Tired of trying to win approval and escape rejection? Peer pressure, codependency, shame, low self-esteem; these are just some of the words used to identify how people are controlled by others’ opinions. Why is it so important to be liked? Why is rejection so traumatic? Edward T. Welch’s insightful, biblical answers to these questions show that freedom from others’ opinions and genuine, loving relationships grow as we learn about ourselves, others, and God.
Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?
Structured around eighteen real-life examples, Murray provides tips for having open conversations with teens about anxiety and depression, as well as discussion questions, Bible verses for memorization, and prayers. With these tools in hand, parents and teenagers alike will be equipped to experience freedom from the chains of anxiety and depression.
Why Am I Feeling Like This?
In this companion guide to his book for parents Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray introduces you to the personal accounts of eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you discover not only the common causes but also the keys to unlock their chains. By utilizing God-given truths and tactics, you can experience new liberty, peace, and joy in your life.
10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity
Going to school, hanging out with friends, or scrolling through social media feeds, teenagers are sure to face real challenges to faith in Jesus Christ. And whether you consider yourself a Christ follower or not, these questions can seem like deal breakers. Backed by state-of-the-art research, personal stories, Harry Potter illustrations (warning: spoilers!), and careful biblical study, this book doesn’t dodge tough questions. Instead, it invites teenagers to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find surprising, life-giving answers.
The Tech-Wise Family
Drawing on in-depth original research from the Barna Group, Andy Crouch shows readers that the choices we make about technology have consequences we may never have considered. He takes readers beyond the typical questions of what, where, and when and instead challenges them to answer provocative questions like, Who do we want to be as a family? and How does our use of a particular technology move us closer or farther away from that goal? Anyone who has felt their family relationships suffer or their time slip away amid technology’s distractions will find in this book a path forward to reclaiming their real life in a world of devices.